In January, AAUP sent out information regarding elections for officers and delegates of AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. As a reminder, Local 6741 includes all AAUP advocacy members—that is, members not in campus chapters (i.e., members of the AAUP At-Large Advocacy Chapter) plus members in campus chapters that do not engage in collective bargaining. The primary duties of officers and delegates is to represent Local 6741 at the 2024 AFT Convention, which will be held in Houston, Texas, in July.
Local 6741 will hold a membership meeting on Thursday, March 28, from 12:30pm to 2:00pm Eastern Time, via Zoom.
The purpose of this meeting will be to inform members about the upcoming elections, and to allow candidates the opportunity to speak to the membership. Candidates (and nominees for uncontested positions) will have the opportunity to make a 3-minute statement. Statements will be made in the order on the ballot. There will be no debate and no question-and-answer period.
Agenda for March 28, 2024 Meeting of the Nationwide AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO (12:30 – 2:00 pm EST via Zoom)
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks – Irene Mulvey (President)
2. Overview of Election – Staff
3. Candidate speeches (3 minutes each)
4. Closing – Irene Mulvey
Please join us on March 28; here’s the link to RSVP.
Information about the upcoming election can be found on the Local 6741 web page. The website contains a list of candidates, candidate biographies and statements, and other important documents. This website will be updated with new information regarding the election and with the election results.
The election will be a mail ballot election of the local’s membership. It will be conducted by an outside election provider that is an expert in conducting union elections. The local and provider generally follow the guidance from the US Department of Labor.
Ballots should be mailed to members’ home addresses by March 29, 2024. If you do not receive a ballot by April 8, 2024, please feel free to contact MK Elections at (412) 548-2140 to request a replacement ballot. Completed ballots must be received by the election provider by the ballot pickup on April 29, 2024 or they will not be counted.
All the very best and in solidarity,
Irene Mulvey, President, AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the AFT, AFL-CIO
Afshan Jafar, Secretary, AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the AFT, AFL-CIO