Please attend two important morning sessions of this Friday's Board of Trustees meeting.  The Board meets in Harris Ballroom on Level 3 of the Gatton Student Center.  

On Friday 2/23 at 8:00 am, you can hear an update from Work Group V ("More Responsiveness"), which is investigating the state of shared governance and the role of the University Senate in UK's future. 

At 9:45 am you can hear an update from Work Group II ("More Readiness"), which is reviewing and formulating recommendations about the future of UK Core.

The conclusions of these Work Groups, which are scheduled to finalize recommendations by the June 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, may bring about substantial changes to the general education curriculum and the faculty's role in determining and overseeing UK's academic policies and programs.  A strong faculty turnout at these meetings will signal that faculty are engaged in these issues and concerned about the future of shared governance and UK Core.

 If you've never attended a Board of Trustees meeting, here's what you can expect.

  1. The Board of Trustees meetings are open meetings and take place in the Harris Ballroom of the Student Center (upstairs from Worsham Theatre)
  2. There is coffee available for attendees starting at 7:30 am.  People usually dress nicely, but don't let that deter you from showing up.  Come as you are.
  3. Guests sit or stand in a section at the back of the ballroom (the BOT sits in a rectangle at the front of the room)
  4. Guests are not permitted to address the Board during the meeting.  Benefits of attending, however, include the following: 
    1. you will learn about the Working Groups' progress thus far and see indications of the direction in which they are heading;
    2. you will be introduced to the co-chairs and see the committee composition, so you can follow up with committee members to share any feedback and concerns you have emerging from the reports;
    3. you will be part of a large faculty turnout that signals visually to the Board, the faculty Trustees, and the President, and Provost that faculty are paying attention and care about these issues.