University Faculty Colleagues
At yesterday’s May 6, 2024 University Senate meeting, the University Senate approved a Resolution of No Confidence in President Eli Capilouto.
This is the first time in the University’s history that the University Senate has rendered a No Confidence vote of a University President.  Given the historic significance, I have posted a recording of the event, and provide you below hot links directly to the place in the video that each indicated person speaks or action occurs.
University Senate Meeting – May 6, 2024   
Video Recording
     0:10            Senate Council Chair DeShana Collett introducing Resolution agenda item
     0:37            Scott Yost – Motion (Reads) University Senate Resolution of No Confidence
     4:29            SC Chair Collett – Notes Motion by Scott Yost; Second Akiko Takenaka; opens floor
     4:48            Scott Yost – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
     6:32            Rudy Buchheit – Senator (Dean) Opposes Resolution
     6:50            SC Chair Collett – Adds solicited background information
     7:16            Kaveh Tagavi – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
     9:30            Hubie Ballard – Faculty Trustee Opposes Resolution
   11:06             Richard Charnigo – Senator (Faculty) Opposes Resolution
   13:21            Padraic Kenney – Senator (Dean) Opposes Resolution
   16:29            Molly Blasing – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   22:24            Akiko Takenaka – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   27:51            Bobby Scroggins - Senator (Faculty) Poses Questions
   30:26            Lauren Cagle – Faculty Member Supports Resolution
   34:17            Doug Michael – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   35:49            Chipper Griffith – Senator (Dean) Opposes Resolution
   38:02            Shannon Oltman – Faculty Member Supports Resolution
   40:51            Aaron Cramer – Faculty Member (Dept. Chair) Offers Considerations
   43:09            Daniel Kirschner – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   47:00            Roger Brown – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   49:51            Simon Sheather – Senator (Dean) Opposes Resolution
   50:44            Kaveh Tagavi – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
   53:21            SC Chair Collett – Adds solicited background information
   55:39            John Hurley – Student Opposes Resolution
1:00:18            SC Chair Collett – Adds solicited background information
1:01:00            Robert Grosman – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution
1:05:17            Alyssa Eckman – Senator (Faculty) Supports Resolution (called the question)
1:05:35            Jennifer Cramer – Senator (Faculty) Seconded call the question
1:09:24            SC Chair Collett – Confirms Motion to call the question was approved 67:9:8
1:09:35            SC Chair Collett – Starts vote on Motion to approve the Resolution
1:11:56            SC Chair Collett – Confirms Motion approved. Resolution passes 58:24:11
1:12:40            Scott Yost – Senator (Faculty) Moves the Resolution be extended to Board of Trustees
1:12:47            Alyssa Eckman – Senator (Faculty) Seconds Motion
1:12:50            Parliamentary discussion
1:22:22            Roger Brown – Senator (Faculty) Moves the Motion be Tabled
1:22:34            Alyssa Eckman – Senator (Faculty) Seconds that Motion
1:24:53            SC Chair Collett – Confirms Motion to Table passes 74:9:5
1:25:09            SC Chair Collett – Opens other items from the floor
1:25:14            Robert DiPaola – Senator (Provost) describes anticipations
1:29:16            Doug Michael – Senator (Faculty) Initiates Appreciative Standing Ovation to
    SC Chair Collett for ‘Deliberate, Thoughtful, Courageous Service as SC Chair’        
1:30:02            SC Chair Collett – Offers heartfelt thoughts
1:31:48            SC Chair Collett – Welcomes Doug Michael as incoming SC Chair
1:32:02            SC Chair Collett – Adjourns meeting
Davy Jones
Professor Emeritus
Dept. of Toxicology and Cancer Biology
University of Kentucky